21st Century After School Programs

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Math Instructional Strategies

1.Direct Instruction
2.Guided Practice (Hands on Activities-Use of Manipulatives/Games)
3.Think Pair Share

Sunday, July 10, 2011

National Teacher's Academy Map

I will admit that I am not the most tech savvy person, so I looked at other people's examples for this map project to help steer me in the right direction. After viewing some of the examples on our TIE blog page, i attempted and failed using Google maps, thanks to Nicole I used mapscore.com I searched for areas around NTA and found that the area is rated fairly well as having local resources within walking distance to the school. I chose NTA because of its proximity to Chinatown, and wanted to see if there were a significant amount of other historical landmarks nearby. The area is rated as a very walkable neighborhood and I thought it was very important that there were a significant amount of Child Care facilities, as well as parks and other educational institutions.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

social observation

I had the privilege of attending what I consider a rare event this weekend. A few of my friends have recently mentioned attending events or parties at the “B.G” in Wicker Park and when the opportunity became available for me, I wanted to see what all the excitement was about. The “BG” now formerly known as the “****” is an open loft in the center of Wicker Park. The area is ironically surrounded with huge gates, making accessibility only on a formal invite basis. The area appears to have been home to a possible non for profit Latino based organization, as the exterior walls in the front area are filled with iconic Latino hero’s for social movements. When entering the loft, the atmosphere is completely different than what the walls outside would portray. The “residents” of this space consist of a large group of young local artists within the Chicago area that have moved from Detroit, Michigan. At first glance they looked like the typical young, hippie like, runaway free spirited prototype of common local Chicago artists. Fitted jeans, vans, t-shirts, tattoos, piercings were all popular trends amongst this group of hipsters. The “*****”appeared to almost be somewhat of a household area for some of the individuals as there were common items found in the dusty loft such as a kitchen area with minimal supplies, shower curtain and soap in very dirty bathroom space. From where I was sitting, which was a much worn down couch, it almost looked as if some of the additional rooms may have been bedrooms of other living areas from the main residents. The area seemed somewhat clean but it was dark and almost too hard to tell. The walls were filled with large canvasses of some of the work that had been produced by one of the artists. There was also a large skating ramp in the middle of the central space that a few males used to show off some of their skate boarding tricks. This space later became the main area for dancing and consuming alcoholic beverages. After speaking with my friend about the area, it was established that the space was mainly used to host special events for many of the artists. These events include anywhere from art galleries, fundraisers, to sponsored promotional opportunities for local and small businesses within the neighborhood.
The event I attended was more of a social gathering with random individuals ranging from what seemed like 19-28 years old. As a social gathering it was a bit awkward to be one of the few over 21 years of age and people watching became one of the most entertaining options. There were a lot of young females dressed with very provocative clothing and were clearly partaking in a underage drinking. The event seemed to portray a typical teenager’s idea of a “cool” underground party where alcohol was readily accessible and obscene drunken behavior was occurring. Through conversation, the girls had traveled from the northwest suburban areas to attend the “skater event.” The music and energy was guided by the popular “dub” music of one of the dj’s who resides in the loft. The music definitely helped to create a rave like atmosphere of psychedelic entertainment for these young individuals who were out celebrating the fourth of July.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Stand and Deliver

I recently watched the movie Stand and Deliver, and although I feel it fits the cliché of an 80’s movie, it was inspirational to see a teacher’s dedication in working with students labeled as incompetent in a Latino urban setting. I chose this scene because it shows his individual creativity in delivering instructional strategies that would engage his students. As you can see in the clip, he’s vibrantly singing while informing his students that they will now embark upon their next difficult task in the classroom, which was passing an AP Calculus exam to receive college credit. Throughout the movie he uses these creative, comical, and bold approaches (“scaring us into stuff”) to ensure that students gained a sense of accountability for their education. Specifically in this clip, Mr. Escalante distributes “Student Contracts” that had to be signed and returned to have continued being part of the class. I feel that the contracts not only continued to strive for individual student commitment for their learning, but it was also an opportunity to provide awareness to their parents and families. It was very interesting to see the responses that came from their parents. Some were apprehensive and didn’t see the need for such commitments. Mr. Escalante’s dedication to his students was far grander than their families could have anticipated and he used his unique approach to even get their families approval. His actions were clearly a reflection of his lifelong commitment to not only educating his students, but their families, and the community as well. Along with his commitment to students, he allocated time before and after school, extended the class for two periods, and Saturday morning sessions to ensure they had enough time to be successful. Mr. Escalante once again made the individual efforts to provide supports for his students beyond the means of a normal school day. It was obvious that he used a strength based approach to developing his relationships and rapport with his students. The conversations they had were evident of the trust and comfort they had, hence the “whats calcooooolus?” question.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

In Progress....Philosophy of Education

An effective educator must possess a deep and dire passion for being a social and academic leader within a classroom setting. In order to accomplish such a goal, a teacher needs to commit their time to learning about each of her students, where they come from, who their parents are, and what their community is like. With such information, a teacher can take a realistic approach to designing an effective classroom environment that is authentic. One of the most imperative qualities for a future educator is to give students the opportunity to embrace and reflect upon their individuality to ideally instill a sense of cultural awareness and educational appreciation. Educators must also become agents for social reforms by providing opportunities for learning through instruction of concrete, appropriate and realistic materials. Students need such opportunities to develop abstract and critical thinking skills to become socially competent. Educators must be highly trained professionals that can meet the different and individual needs of students with flexible and creative means of instruction to ensure student learning. The demand for positive role models in the lives of youth today is also very detrimental. Educators must be willing and able to adopt multiple roles to service their students, parents, and the community. I have taken on the role of an educator to take on the responsibility of positively influencing the minds of young students to set high goals for themselves, and means for attaining such goals. Therefore, as an educator, my initiative is to create a safe classroom environment where students are not afraid to approach the different levels, disciplines, and dynamics of education. Academic content, as well as technological and cultural competency above all would be the main topics driving instruction. In turn, educators must have the ability to develop hands on classroom experiences that will enhance critical thinking skills for students. Instilling a sense of interdependence with the use of collaborative groups and strength based approach to instruction, would be imperative to build upon essential social skills. I would definitely like to encourage an open communication line with students so that they can vocalize their thoughts and opinions. Empowering students for their specific abilities and the ability to make social change would be a driving force behind skills and concepts learned, so that students would realize what can be accomplished in the classroom, as well as in their communities.

Bilingual Education has been my main area of focus in school for the past couple of years. It was through the GYO program that I even realized that I myself was a victim of the negative effects of bilingualism and the negative impact that it had upon my bringing and how I identified myself in society. I would like to take an active role to creating a classroom where students embrace their individualism. As a future educator, my experiences have allowed me to realize the significance of creating and implementing instructional strategies that will be flexible to adhere to the needs of individual students. The basic concepts such as the teaching styles that we take in the classroom, the way we communicate with our students, how economic, social, and, psychological issues affect student behavior, conflict resolution skills, are underlying factors that will influence the kind of educator I want to be not only for my students, but for their parents as well. Although I look forward to creating a classroom that is open to embracing various cultural components, as an educator, it will be my prerogative to create a classroom culture that is responsive and very well managed so to not prohibit further learning opportunities and prevent negative behavior among students. It is essential to create a positive environment that has clear boundaries and expectations for both teachers and students. Anything less, would result in a lack of respect for an authority figure, negative relationships, and an unstable environment.