21st Century After School Programs

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fairy Tales as a Lens for Multicultural Awareness


  1. I really like this idea Cynthia! It gives students the opportunity to critically analyze literature and apply it to their own lives by making up their story.
    My only question is-where did you standards/ objectives come from? I couldn't tell if they were ISBE state standards or something.
    Also- I don't necessarily have any "tips" but I couldn't see your knowledge/skills at the bottom so you may need to edit/re-embedd your doc. Great job overall! Nice understandings & essential questions!

  2. Just kidding! Your third page isn't blank anymore- I think it was my comp. Good knowledge/skills as well.

  3. Cynthia,

    I think this is an awesome lesson and a great way to bring cultural awareness to the students in a relate able manner! Your enduring understandings are some of the hardest things to teach and overcome challenges of in the classroom. This is a great way to teach tolerance to students with various forms of literature. Well done! Do you think you can even expand upon this by looking at other fairytale stories, or maybe focusing on a similar setting that addresses males more specifically as well so your male students may better relate? Again, great job!

  4. Cynthia,

    I absolutely love this lesson. Having lesson like this highlight cultural awareness, makes students appreciate their heritage, and makes differences cool!! I would say students could create a mini heritage family tree as an extension to this lesson. Overall, very good job!

  5. Cynthia,

    I loved your lesson plan. I think that it is a great idea to use different literature from different cultures to encourage synthesis of ideas and concepts. I think that your stage 1 is well written and easy to follow! Great job!

    My only question for you is in your enduring understandings, what exactly did you mean by "Respecting similarities and differences between cultures?" Meaning do you want them to understand it's a good/bad/important thing? I think that is the only small detail that I would like to understand better explicitly. In general, I think you did a great job developing your stage 1.
